Wednesday, July 07, 2010


This is one of my favorite books of all time!  About 3-4 years ago my mom and I were walking out of a boutique and there on a bench was a book with a bright orange sticky note that said, "Pick me up" mom pointed it out to me so I walked over and picked it up.  It was the book "It's always something" by Gilda Radner.  Apparently there is this group of people who started a book sharing experience where you read a book and then leave it in a random place when you're finished.   You place the orange sticky tab on it, which has a website that you get on, say where you picked it up and then you find out where else it has been in the world.  A really neat idea.  I, without a doubt, know I was suppose to read this book.  It is amazing and I would highly recommend it to ANYONE in any phase of life.  It's a quick read and you will find yourself laughing and maybe crying a little.  I looked at the world different when I was finished and learned alot from this great woman.  It came into my mind today while I was reading something else and It made me want to read it again.  So it, you won't regret it I promise.