Friday, February 11, 2011

*Pam'z Beeeday*

I missed it. I was sick. I gave her a present though and she said she had a GREAT day! Yay! That's what I wished for her. I take birthdays serious and like to make a bit of a fuss. I kind of sucked this year, but can't win 'em all.

Ps. She wanted this T-shirt that say's "Mafia Texas" with a big star on it. Jk I think it say's Marla? *shrug* it's cute though. I also gave her "stretchy pants" (leggings) and some books she wanted. Umm...The Art Of Manliness was for a friend of hers. Although I plan on reading it myself and whipping some men into shape! Pitchah!!! (that's the sound of my whip!) ha!
Pss. This was day 4 of the challenge.  Share a photo of your night.  Exciting.