Hi friends,
Just a little note to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and give a quick update on our family this last year.
We had our share of trials...every one of us. A few moves, health problems, a serious health scare, a divorce, a miscarriage, financial struggles, the death of family friends and a handful of other things. It seemed like just when we picked ourselves up, the rug was pulled out from under us. The Lord has tested our faith and as we turned to Him I truly saw how he sustained us, comforted us, encouraged us, and even granted us some miracles in which all of us are forever grateful. I have learned over my life that trials can either soften us or harden us. I have always fought for the softer heart but I haven't always won. I know the Lord is merciful and loves my family. I am really proud of all of them and how they have handled their trials. We are a tight knit group and we always have each others backs. When one is down, we run to their aide to lift them and help in any way we can. I can't count how many times they have done that for me. I adore them all and appreciate their sacrifices they make for others, their families, and our God. I love this quote;
"I lift thee, you lift me, and together we will ascend!"
I give thanks for all my great friends both old and new. I have a small piece of every person I have ever known in me and I love that. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and a great 2010. Don't forget that the Savior is really the most important person in each of our lives.
Love to all,
Ps. That cute kitty in the boots is NOT mine. (Three is enough!:) It's my moms and her name is Gracie. :)