Wednesday, December 02, 2009


I have been in one of my deeper moods today (shocking :) and was thinking how remarkable it is that God knows things that I both want and need without me even knowing that I want or need them. Does that make any sense? Once in awhile something will happen and in my heart of hearts I think...I didn't even know I wanted that...but I do. They seem to be so far reaching that they are even beyond my power of thought. Perhaps it shouldn't be so suprising knowing that He is a God who knows "the very hairs of your head are all numbered." (Luke 12:7) But today it just hit me in such a strange way. Nothing overly remarkable happened to me but maybe just an eternal insight that woke me up from a Doubting Thomas slumber. Maybe some of you get it and maybe some of you don't. I'll be honest in saying, I'm not even sure how to explain it. I just know one thing forsure, He knows me. God and Jesus Christ know ME in a deep and very personal way. And that in itself brings great peace to my soul.

Ps. Sometimes I forget that there are people who are not members of my church who might not always understand what I'm talking about. If you would like to know more, or even have a greater understanding on a principle I'm speaking about, please go to,