Thursday, December 10, 2009


I am rubbing my hands together at the very thought of being a part of this "Mysertious letter writing". I read this great blog today and I snagged the idea. I love to write and the possibilies are endless with this clever and amazing idea...
Here's the story/inspiration to do this;

"We intend to write to everyone in the world..

In April 2009, we sent a personal, handwritten letter to each of the 467 households in the small Irish village of Cushendall. We hoped these unsolicited letters would prompt neighbourly discussion, spreading across the town, promoting community curiosity.

In November 2009, we sent another bundle of letters, this time 620, to each home in Polish Hill, Pittsburgh, USA.

The art work consists solely of the discussion between the recipients about what on Earth these letters are, who sent them and why, etc.

Lenka Clayton & Michael Crowe."

This might not make any sense until you actually read the blog. But it's stinking kool and I'm going to do it! I might not be able to write the whole world, but I can sure try. ;)
Ps. I will share my first letter on here this week. :D
Pss. I am attaching one of the letters from their blog that I thought was funny. :) There are so many great ones and the wheels in my head are already turning with words of my own...that I will share...with mostly strangers. :)