The word "Family" can be the most beautiful word in the whole world. It holds within it other such lovely words; Sweethearts, children, safety, home, joy and LOVE!
I opened my journal from 2001 the other day and read some notes I had taken from the talk by President Gordon B. Hinckley, Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Here are some quotes from it.
*Behold your little ones*
Ensign June 2001
"The home in which I lived, where there was a father who, by some quiet magic, was able to discipline his children without the use of any instrument of punishments, though on occasion they may have deserved it."
"Do you want a spirit of love to grow in the world? Start within the walls of your own home. Behold your little ones and see within them the wonders of God, from whose presence they have recently come."
"My father never laid a hand on me except to bless me."
Brigham Young said: "a child loves the smile of it's mother but hates her frowns. I tell the mother to not allow the children to indulge in evils, but at the same time treat them with mildness. Treat them to love you rather than fear you." (same with fathers of course)
President Hinckley refering to a neighbor in his childhood who whipped his childhood friends in vicious anger said;
"I have seen the fruits of that neighbors temper come alive again in the troubled lives of his children."
These notes were wonderful to read. I thought of my brothers Larry and Randy along with my brother in law, Joe. Their children do not fear them but have truly been treated as a child should be. Several grown into some of the most love and respected people you could ever meet (just ask around ;) They are loved as the savior loves...purely. Their faces light up when they see them and you can feel the love they have for them. I respect them and also appreciate the many fathers and mothers who "Behold their little ones" with awe and reverence. Who also make them feel safe in an unsafe world, and provide a haven of love in their homes and arms.
I loved this video I found today. This video shows the spirit of love between a family. I know it's real and is attainable. As an aunt I also strive to and expect of myself to love, honor, and cherish children.