Monday, February 06, 2006



So I just got back from a cruise to Caribean with my best mates. It was hilarious!! Probably one of most amusing experiences I've had in a long time and it turned out to be a week full of laughter and the shaking of my head in total disbelief. First off the whole ship smelled of formaldehyde, the pools and jacuzzi water looked like "pee-pee", A life time supply of hot dogs and hamburgers was the main courses, and I had to PAY for orange juice! Holy Crap! Isn't orange juice a staple drink? Anyhow...we got over it fast and had alot of fun. My best friends are a hoot and we were there with 420 mormon singles! (me included as one of them) We met some kool people and visited three ports. Cozumel, Mexico...Roatan Island...and Belize. The trip highlights were; Roatan Island forsure! It was sooo beautiful!!, The eating of bread pudding in the middle of the night, Sleeping in the darkest room I have ever been in! LOVED IT! (It was so comforting to lay in pitch black to the sway of the ship), Late night dancing, reading my book "Twilight", and well....the cruise director (Jeremy). heh heh. I have alot of fun memories to chuckle about and isn't that what trips are all about? :)