Sunday, March 15, 2009


I am the ocean and I am sorrowful. My waves have crossed not a few but the numbers of the sand. I have swallowed the wicked and filled the earth at command. And I must do it again…but I know not when. I reason with the angels but they cannot say either for they know not. I delight in bringing mercy and justice. My waves listen for the sound of the horn to blow for all people and for me that I may roll with the earths scroll and be made anew and be cleansed. But for now, it is late…the sky is black and my spirit is heavy. I hold the small ship that never moves, the ship that holds His daughter. I love her because she first loved me. She walked my shoreline many times. She dreamed lovely dreams and entrusted me with their care. But now my touch stings her and my mist recoils her and I mourn for her. My anger rises and I thrash upon the great rocks for I am helpless and cursed. Oh how I long to part for her as I did for the ancients! That deliverance may be hers. I call upon the Moon, the Milky Way and their twinkling’s that they may shine upon her. But even they had to part from her and she is left to whimper in confinement. The lights of her rescue boats grew too dim, they could no longer see... for long was their journey and they were forced to turn back. No one can see her. But I can…I surround her and I will hold her with my stillness that she may not be disturbed for a moment. I have hidden her dreams beneath my corals that they may never be separated from me…I will hold them always that she may believe in me. He that created me has been quiet for too long. Her bones are frail and her breath is shallow. Her sash in satin is now rope that binds. She has been made afraid, mocked and seized against my will. She will no longer speak...she can no longer speak. And so, in her behalf, I cry to the heavens, IT IS ENOUGH!

I am the ocean and I am sorrowful.