A place of peace and safety. A place where the temperature is just right and there is no fear. Just hope, healing, happiness, honesty, a small ocean of tears, and a good laugh once in awhile. ;)
...right? *Deep Breath* So, after 6 years of living in my beautiful little home here in Lehi, Utah- I am moving. I talked a little about it a few blogs ago, but the time has now come. After searching both my soul and surrounding areas, I have made the decision to move far away. Like FAR away...far...far...far away. I'm moving to American Fork. hahaha Yeah, that's one town over. ha! It is temporary until I can actually be in a position to really know what is right for me and where I would want to be on a more permanent basis. I am moving into a one bedroom apartment that is adorable. It is near the Mount Timpanogos LDS temple. It is lovely...BUT, it won't be easy. Moving has never been an easy thing for me. As you have probably been able to tell, I take things a little harder than some people. I guess it isn't easy for most people. My sister reminded me today that when we moved out of our childhood home, I use to return there often on my own and sit outside and cry. I remember one time walking inside (before the people who bought it had moved in) and I layed down on the carpet, staring out through the glass doors to our beautiful back yard that was an orchard full of apple trees. My heart ached. I loved that home. And I love this home. A small chunk of my heart will still be here. Just like it is in every place I've lived in my life. This home is a little different though. It was truly heaven sent to be a refuge from not only the storms of my past, but the storms I would endure while living here. I have endured unspeakable pain and experiences while I've been here and some of the only solace I've had was the spirit and safety of this home. It is my own little temple. It is sacred ground to me. I know that angels have watched over me and my little kitties. I have always felt safe here. We have been blessed and I am grateful. I will truly miss it. But I also feel in my heart that It's time for me to move. It's time for a change. I have a couple of weeks left to finish packing up. With the help of my AWESOME friends, 75% of my house is already moved! They are the BEST!!! Thank you!
I pray God to bless me with the courage and the peace of mind that will be needed. Goodbye beautiful house. Thank you for sheltering me and being my little piece of heaven. :)
Today, here in the great state of Utah, we have celebrated our pioneer heritage. Over the last few weeks, I have thought of them more than I ever have. I have had specific experiences that they had, come to my mind to rally up my hope, my courage and give me the will to keep going. I don't know how they survived the hardships they faced as they came to this great valley because of their faith in the restoration of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Tongue nor pen can never tell the sorrow and sacrifices they made for that which they believed.
This paticular story of three young men is very sacred to me. I remember seeing this video that recounts their experience for the first time at an Institute class. You could have heard a pin drop as a hush fell over a chapel full of young adults.
I hope you will feel that same spirit too.
"That act alone, will ensure- C. Allen Huntington, George W. Grant and David P. Kimball everlasting salvation in the kingdom of God...world without end."
I am so in love with this youtube video! It made my day. You will love it!!!!!!!!! I will ONLY marry a guy who would do this. This is the kind of joy we should create in our relationships. (I even got a LITTLE choked up...because I thought it was so great! Are you shocked?) ha!
A weary traveler, beaten down by the crudeness and sorrow of the world. And then a little boy who I love so much, runs to me and not only throws his arms around me to hug me, but locks his hands behind me and lays his head on my shoulder. For a small moment in time, everything was okay in my life and everything was okay with the world. I was loved by a child. I will NEVER forget this moment as long as I live.
ps. I just remembered something that Kaul said to his mom,
"Mom, Aunt Kimmy is sick a lot isn't she?" and she said, "Yes, honey, she is." and he responded..."It's because I'm not with her...I make her happy." :)
So, I've been begging anybody and everybody to take me to Lake Powell for 8 years! And finally, one day, I got invited by a friend of mine. I jumped on the idea and headed out with 40 strangers into the wild. (Does that sound like Survivor or what? :) Instead of telling my experience in story form...I think I will just share my LIST that I made as the 5 days passed. I think it's say's it all. ha!
- Guy stinking up the car on a 6 hour drive. Nothin' better to break the ice between strangers! hahah - 40 people on one small house boat? And TWO bathrooms? OH MY HELL! - "These bathrooms are only to be used to go poo, you pee in the lake!" (Yeah, RIGHT! Those bathrooms will be used by me for both!) - Thank heavens for my new friend, Sheri. She is super nice and I feel comfortable around her. (She ended up being totally heaven sent!) - I think I'm the only Albino here. I just got burned on my hands, knees and feet! Stunning! - Hummus is my new favorite food! YUM! - I've never seen a guy want to take so many pictures of himself. I think he's taken one with almost every girl AND their bikini. Knarly! - Everyone knows my sister Pammy or has heard of her. They love her and so do I. I started to cry when someone mentioned her name. (embarrassing) - "How many guys does it take to dig a hole?" Imagine over 10 guys standing over one hole, each one trying to get their turn at the shovel while trying to show off their bulging muscles. *rolling my eyes* - Pee Pee Pancakes. The morning cooks accidentally used Lake Water instead of purified water, while mixing the pancake mix. I ate a lot of pancakes before they realized they had done so. ewwwwwwwww! (Please don't let me puke!) - This music is killing me! RAP + R&B 24 hours a day= Nervous breakdown. Thank heavens for my ipod. - Orange man doing pushups on top of the cliff...PRICELESS! hahhaha - I had one of my weekly migraines today. A lady named Gale, who is a massage therapist, took the time to rub my head. I felt so grateful. I was also reminded of the power of touch. At the end of the trip my other friend Steve gave me a foot rub when I was really sick! A big thank you to both of them it was very kind. - I lost my favorite bracelet while washing my hair in the slimy water. Dang it! - I've had a couple of long talks with my friend Carly from High School. She is great! Not only is she so funny, but she has so much heart and a deep understanding of life. She "Get's it" and that is rare. - Some girls had an "Ambien" party in their tent last night. *raised eyebrows* - Jenny and Steve played the guitar tonight. Both of them are so talented. I love to hear Jenny sing. She's one of the pure souls of the earth. - Starry starry night...paint your palet blue and grey. - There are always beautiful sunsets in Powell. Truly Gods country. - There are some seriously crazy things going on "behind the scenes" here. I'm kind of freaked out. - "Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing" Geeeeeeeezzz - This guy got shot in the butt with a potato gun today! So stinking funny! Highlight of the trip! - So tired of the constant sexual innuendos! Almost every conversation is vulgar and crude. I can't get away from it. I honestly feel violated. Get me out of here! - I haven't slept more than 14 hours in 4 days! I think this is the longest I've ever gone without sleep. My mind is trippin'. - Went on a hike alone to get away from all the chaos. Tried to make friends with a lizard...but he ran away. Oh well, I got some great shots! :) - I have avoided being in 95% of all photographs! (There is good reason!) - If one more person asks me why I don't like to wake board, I will punch them in the face.
Okay...so that is just SOME of my list! I should probably keep some things to myself...maybe even some of these? But nah, sometimes I gotta just say it how it is. ;) The last night there was a pretty bad windstorm that came and the boat began to rock. The toilets were full and about ready to overflow. The smell was so bad that everyone ended up sleeping on top of the houseboat except me and one other girl. I was so nausiated from the boat rocking, my headache, lack of sleep and that smell... that I felt I was turning green. I kept thinking of my ancestors coming across to America on the ships and how they were sea sick all the time! I said a silent prayer of gratitude for them. I also thought of the song from Willy Wonka when they are on the boat. It goes like this;
"Round the world and home again That's the sailor's way Faster faster, faster faster
There's no earthly way of knowing Which direction we are going There's no knowing where we're rowing Or which way the river's flowing
Is it raining, is it snowing Is a hurricane a-blowing
Not a speck of light is showing So the danger must be growing Are the fires of Hell a-glowing Is the grisly reaper mowing
Yes, the danger must be growing For the rowers keep on rowing And they're certainly not showing Any signs that they are slowing!!!"
Hahahah Yeah, I was losing it by this time! :)
Anyhow, I finally fell asleep for about 3 hours and then HAD to get out of there to get some fresh air! It was rank! I grabbed my book and sat in a chair until everyone woke up. And well...I think that's enough about my experience. :)
I did make it home to my clean and cute house (Thanx sistas!) and had never been so grateful for my own bed, my own family and my own friends. Now don't get me wrong, there were some super nice people that I met and really enjoyed some of my talks with them...but for the most part, "One of these things was NOT like the others." And it was a tough trip for me. I'm still in recovery! hahha
I got some great photos of a few people and beautiful Lake Powell itself and will attache them to the blog. Also, I will attache the youtube video of Spencer getting nailed by the potato gun. I'm the bronze one on the right! Killer tan!