So I stole this idea from my best mate, Wayne. I thought it was really kool and decided I would make it a part of my blog. (Thanks W.D. ;)
I started keeping a journal at age 8. And in my early teenage years, I was given the counsel to keep a book of rememberance all my days. I can honestly say, that so far, I have been 100% obedient. I have in my possession over 30 journals. No joke! Most of my most precious moments in life are written on paper. I like to call them "Kim's Golden plates" hahaah Truthfully, they are THAT special to me for more then one reason. One of those reasons came less two years ago. I went into the hospital to do ECT. (Electric shock therapy) for my depression. After 16 sessions of being electrocuted (If you can laugh at can live with it)I had lost a GREAT deal of both short and long term memory. Coming home I felt so lost and soon after I started re-reading my journals and feeling like I was reading about someone else's life. It was crazy! I found myself laughing, in tears, in awe, and feeling very blessed that the I had been told to keep a record of my life. I also saw myself from a different perspective which was a neat experience.
So, with that much said, every so often, I'm going to go back in time and read/write one of my journal entries from the past on this blog. I think it will be fun and very interesting.
Today I'm going to share a page from my first journal! A gorgeous Hello Kitty Diary! hahaha Here we go!
*August 16, 1984*
"Well Sherri had her baby. Two O clock in morning. My friend slept over. We were up the whole night. First we waited until my little sister Jeni was asleep. THEN we played family fued. It was fun. Then we decided to get some rest. We started to fall asleep and then the phone rang. We both ran to the phone and it was Pam. Then it was my mom. It's a BOY! 9 pounds 5 ounces 21 inches. Well his name is Dallas Robert Curtis. He is so cute. I love him alot. He does not cry much he just wimpers. Sherri came home from the hospital at 7:00 he was in his green pajamas. Before Sherri came home I had to go to stars. It was booring. We have a performance tomorrow and thats why we had to practice. That's all."
(I highlighted my favorite parts :)
hahah I find it interesting that tomorrow is Dallas's Birthday. (that page is literally the one I turned to! kool!) 24 years ago I wrote about a little baby in green jammys. How excited I was to have my first nephew and little did I know what he would really mean to me. The years have passed and I have watched him grow into a great man of God. He truly is a modern day Moroni. His influence on me has been great and I feel blessed to be his Aunt. Happy Birthday, Dallas! :)
On a ending note, what would my family do without me? I am the family historian because you are all lazy butts when it comes to keeping a journal! The details of Dallas wearing green pj'z are crucial to future generations! God bless me and golden plates! ;)
ps. Dallas, I bought you a new pair of green jammy's. I'm sure the others are worn out. They have footy's and everything! heh heh