Hi friend, just thinking about you and wanted to write you a letter. I miss you alot today. Kind of a dumb thing to say since I've missed you more than ever this week. My heart hurts so much...I know you're acutely aware of this. I have felt your spirit near, watching over me and helping me through this along with your other friends and family. When I went over to your house yesterday to visit with everyone, to talk of your goodness and adventures...I laughed at all the funny things you've said and done over the years! All of your pranks (you were/are such a punk! ;) I felt SO happy that God allowed me to know you. How many times you made me laugh so hard! I read in my journal last night these words,
March 2, 2002
"I have a new friend Nate Larson, from my new ward. He has been such a fun friend to have! He makes me laugh and that is something that has been very needed in my life. I have been struggling so much to keep my head above water. I feel like he has helped breath new life into me."
Nate, you did that! You helped me so much! And Your brattiness made you all the more charming and fun. (although I often wanted to punch you in the face, and you LOVED that. :)
I also loved looking at all your photo albums. I couldn't believe how much of the world you've seen. You could never leave this life saying that you didn't live it to the fullest that was in you when you were healthy...even in some of your darkest moments you still created adventures.
And last but not least, last night I spent two hours reading over some of your mission journal that I am going to TRY and tranlate for your family. Heaven HELP your handwriting! (Work on it buddy!) hahahah But my heart was full as I read about your consistant determination to have an amazing mission. Your love for the gospel was powerful and you never once wrote anything that was not about wanting to keep improving yourself, gaining greater charity, and serving the people of Japan. Your love for The Book Of Mormon was mighty and I KNEW that I was reading about one of Gods most vailient sons! I felt so proud of your PURE heart, your service to your fellowmen, and your bravery.
I love your whole soul and always will. More letters soon...until then, keep up the pranks once in awhile, I will need them.
Ps. I took this photo of the beautiful flowers on your tree yesterday. I'm sure you saw me, but it turned out pretty good didn't it? ;)